Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tour Sign Off...

Well the tour has finally come to an end, it's been awesome. Big shout out to everyone that joined us along the way. The LA Kids from the Hookah Lounge, Becksy and Norm for showing us a good time in Portland, the girls from Melbourne who we seemed to see everywhere in NYC, Carlos for showing us the place to bowl in BK, Dos, Caleb, Prakash and Josh for getting involved in all things Do It Live, and everyone else we met along the way. We changed lives and the tour changed ours. Special thanks to the parentals for bailing me out after doing it a bit too live in Vegas. Stay tuned for some player profiles on all the tour members and their finest moments. Hope you have all enjoyed the blog, see you on the next tour.

LA's Finest...

Last day in the USA, we are doing a bit of a drive around, checking some last sights before we go. At the red light, one of the tour members points out what seems to be a lady at a bus stop with her pants around her knees... On closer view, we were right... I've heard of Port-A-Potties, but bus stop toilets? Must be an LA thing...

Let's Go Lakers...

So our last night in LA we hit up another NBA game, Lakers v Hornets. During this game Kobe scored enough to make him 9th on the all time scoring list. Other highlights include some clown wearing a Celtics jersey amoungst a heard of Lakers season ticket holders. We heard more chants of "Celtics Suck!" than pro Lakers chants. Post game as said clown was leaving the game they had to wait until all Lakers fans were off the esculator before letting him down, and dude still didn't put his jacket on until he was outside...